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First Steps

Setup your account

You can login to the Web UI using your account that was setup for you.

Logging in

The Web Application will prompt you for a username and password when you visit the website. Enter the data that you received from your contact person at Festool in order to login. In case the login prompt does not appear automatically, please click on the 'Log in' button in the navigation menu.


The API uses indusrty standards OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect to grant access to our systems. You should have a basic understanding how these concepts work in order to use the API.


In case you are not familiar with using OAuth2 and / or Open ID Connect, please consider using the web application instead.

Authorization Server

In order to get an access token you have to authenticate with our authorization server.


The authorization server can be reached using the following endpoints.

Name URI

Supported Grants

We currently only support the client credentials flow on our authorization server.


In order to get an access token from the authorization server you will need the following information.

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scopes

How to get these values

These values will be provided once we setup system access for you.

Process Overview

    Client->>Authorization Server: Request Token using client ID / secret and scopes
    Authorization Server->>Client: Response with JWT
    Client->>API: Request with JWT Token in Header
    API->>Client: Response
    Client->>API: Another request with JWT Token in Header
    API->>Client: Response


The scopes that you need to request will be provided to you when you get set up for access by our IT department.



This is the basic command structure, when you want to execute the command, replace the placeholders {...} with their respective values.

curl -X POST "" 
  -d "grant_type=client_credentials
  -d "scope={scopes}"
  -d "client_id={clientId}"
  -d "client_secret={clientSecret}"

This example shows a full request with made up values.

curl -X POST "" 
  -d "grant_type=client_credentials
  -d "scope=api://79eav7fa-284a-8a6b-ak6w-8493ak7dcad5/.default"
  -d "client_id=79ecc9fa-534e-4f9c-ab9a-6640ac8dcff9"
  -d "client_secret=mySuperSecretValue123!"

The response from the authorization server includes the access token and the expiration time in seconds.
